In a situation where it is not possible to recreate or manufacture a missing piece, like a drawer pull, the next best thing is to find some currently manufactured part and try to make it as close to the original as possible. A good example is a Drexel Declaration dresser we got for our daughter – it had two of its 1″ diameter ceramic globe knobs and brass backing hardware missing.
In this particular case, the biggest difficulty was finding 1″ diameter ceramic knobs since the standard size today appears to be 1 1/4″ and 1 1/2″. We did find some eventually and when they arrived, it was clear that the brass hardware between the knob and the drawer were noticeably dissimilar. The face against the drawer was larger than the original brass pieces.
With a little work on the metal lathe after creating a special jig to hold the piece in the chuck, the diameter of the brass was turned down to that of the original piece. The new piece was also shinier, so my options were to shine the old pieces or treat and age the new pieces. If the new pieces look very close to the old pieces, I like to clean and polish the old to make the entire piece look new. If the shining makes the difference between the two stand out, I’ll age the new one. Here’s a quick shot of the new and original (without polishing or aging):

I just bought a preowned declaration dresser and they had changed the knobs to something completely different. Where did you manage to find your ceramic drawer pulls? I need 6.
Corinne and I exchanged emails. I had several ceramic knobs left but I found several for sale on eBay at a price much better than I paid and referred Corinne there.
HI there, I’d love to get my hands on some of these (at least 3) and have had no luck! Can you help?! Many thanks!
Hi, I do have a few left I can spare. The non-Drexel knobs have a larger (1/8″) base (the one against the drawer) than do the original Drexel knobs. Do you need to match originals?
Also looking for some knobs to fit the buffet in this line. Any ideas? Thanks!
Hi Allison,
Are you looking to replace all the knobs or match the original knobs on the piece?
The biggest problem is that apparently most manufacturers have transitioned the 1″ knob to a more “pear-shaped knob” from the “globe” shape. The globe shaped knobs are almost impossible to find now…I got lucky with my daughter’s dresser and found 2 globe shaped knobs in a larger shipment I received.
Here’s a link on eBay to a source that has the pear-shaped knobs at a very good price: Belwith Keeler P20-LP is the manufacturer and part#, but they only make the pear-shape now. The 1 1/4″ knob is globe shaped.
I’m looking to replace all the knobs. I have a buffet and dresser with non-original knobs, but I would like to replace them with something as close as possible to the original (but lack metal-working skills/equipment, so I’m not going to be THAT picky, as long as it is close. The link you suggest looks perfect—thanks so much!
Hi. I have the Drexel tall chest of drawers and the long dresser. I have most of my knobs, but am missing 3. I was wondering where you found the similar knobs? I am keeping the pieces and do not care if they match 100%. I just need something until I can get back to my stuff and find the real ones.
ps- I am currently living overseas and probably need something I can order online.
Hi! Here are some on the eBay link mentioned in a previous comment in this thread…great price.
Found some here.